Pierre lang Europe( pierrelang.com) sell designer jewelry throughout western Europe. Its traditional business model was to sell earrings, pendants, nicklaces, and other jewelry through the firm’s 5,500 sales representatives. When Pierre lang decided to expand into eastern Europe, the firm decided it neededto change this business model and underlying information system and businees proses.
The company knew it was losing businees because it was unable to keep track of customers and it did not have direct contact with them. If sales representatives left the company for any reason, they would take their customers with them. Pierre lang Europe wanted more than sales from its customers, if wanted customer relationships for follow-on sales and customer support.
Like many companies expanding globally, Pierre lang also anticipated that this expansion could double its revenues and order volume. The company needed better information about its finances , improve control of its order process, and a system that could handle the multiple legal and language requirements of doing businees in many different countries.
Pierre lang selected mySAP after evaluating several competing solutions. Installation began in july 2003; early rollout projects were in place by November; and financial and controlling capabilities went live in all company location in January 2004
Todey, Pierre lang uses country-specific versions of mySAP to handle invoicing, tax, language and fiscal issues. France, for example , has uniq requirements for tracking the import and export of gold and silver. “lot of small things like that have to be considered because they’re vital for Pierre lang. it has to work perfectly in every country, so they have to know whom they will charge what, and do that automatically. “ say rudofl windisch, one of Pierre lang’s consulting partners on this project . “they also have to deal with all the tax issues, which very considerably from one country to another.
There are no homogeneous tax system in Europe.”
Pierre lang expects to increase the accuracy of its information and eliminate the need for manual transfer of tax data to develop reports. Executives also anticipate decreased inventory costs through improved material disposition as well as better information about sales efforts and costs that will lead to improved forecasting and planning.
As noted in this chapter, expanding regionally or globally can have a dramatic impact on a company’s bottom line but only if it is prepared to deal with the heterogeneous legal and financial system in different countries. Pierre lang knew this and met the challenge.
To safeguard its multinational enterprises network, the company uses an integrated network security platform( from fortinet.com). the system protects both the headquarters in vienna and 65 sales offices throughout Europe. The centrally managed system protect every remote user. The system is update in real time.
- why was it necessary for Pierre lang to look at fundamental changes in its business model and information system?
Karena Pierre lang memutuskan untuk memperluas pangsa pasarnya hingga ke Eropa Timur, oleh sebab itu Pierre lang merubah model bisnisnya dari tradisional menjadi komputerisasi. Agar dalam melakukan proses bisnis dapat tersusun dengan baik, sehingga meminimalisasikan kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi dalam proses bisnis. Dan mengembangkan sistem informasi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya dengan bekerja sama dengan fortinet yaitu dengan Sistem yang dikelola secara terpusat melindungi setiap remote user. Sehingga semuanya dapat dengan mudah terkontrol.
- relate the fact of this case to the CAGE framework discussed in section 14.8.
Secara global, banyak perusahaan melakukan antisipasi bahwa ekspansi bisa menggandakan volume pendapatan dan ketertiban perusahaan. Karena banyak perusahaan yang membutuhkan informasi yang lebih baik mengenai keuangan, meningkatkan pengawasan dalam elaksanaan proses bisnis, dan membutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat menangani beberapa bahasa hukum dan persyaratan dalam melakukan businees di berbagai negara.
- what have been the results of implementing mySAP at Pierre lang?
Pierre lang menggunakan versi khusus untuk menangani mySAP faktur, pajak, bahasa dan masalah-masalah fiscal di berbagai Negara. Dan meningkatkan keakuratan dari informasi serta menghilangkan kebutuhan manual transfer data pajak untuk mengembangkan laporan.
- why is security so important to the company and how is it protected?
Karena perusahaan perlu melindungi informasi dan sistem mereka dari pencurian, hilang akibat kecelakaan, korupsi, ataupun downtime. Di sisi lain, mereka juga perlu mengurangi beban dari sisi teknologi informasi berharga bisa dengan mudahnya hilang karena sistem kritikal mengalami gangguan. kehilangan informasi dan interupsi pada bisnis bisa dengan cepat membuat perusahaan menjadi terganggu. Jika kejadian seperti ini terjadi, perusahaan dapat kehilangan data, momentum dan kesempatan ketika perusahaan berusaha untuk mengikuti prosedur kompleks. Sehingga perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian.
- enter fortinet.com and examine the capabilities of their fortiGate products.
Untuk Menjaga jaringan dengan perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan menggunakan platform keamanan jaringan terintegrasi dari fortinet.com. untuk melindungi sistem kedua markas di wienwina dan 65 kantor penjualan di seluruh Eropa. Sistem yang dikelola terpusat melindungi setiap remote user. Dimana sistem akan meng-update secara real time.
Dengan keamanan dan kemampuan tinggi yang ditawarkan oleh perangkat keamanan Fortinet FortiGate. Itu telah membantu perusahaan mengurangi biaya serta mempermudah staf yang berada di kantor yang lokasinya jauh untuk berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi dengan para kolega mereka di kantor pusat dapat membuat laporan kinerja . Sistem Jaringan dan keamanan yang ditawarkan Fortinet tidak hanya memberi informasi rinci mengenai jenis dan tren serangan, tapi juga dapat memberi peringatan dini kepada kami mengenai masalah-masalah potensial seperti pemindaian port, tidak lama sebelum terjadinya serangan.